Never Fear….

We are still open and here for you! I know it’s been a while since I added to the website’s blog page so I wanted to re-assure you all that we are, in fact, still helping clients attain their fitness goals.

Since the pandemic, we have instituted some changes as to the operation of the studio and the availability of the trainers. We have been alternating the days of the week between the both of us, allowing all our clients the luxury of training in a one-on-one atmosphere that truly embodies the “personal” in Personal Training!

Whether you train with a partner or solo, the studio is transformed into your own personal gym for the length of your workout! It has always been a step above working out at a gym, but it is now one step above that! Enjoy the opportunity to access all the space and equipment without any of the distractions from other clients or trainers!

If you are curious to find out more on how to take advantage of “your own workout space”, please contact either Jameson or Susan. We both look forward to welcoming new clients, or former clients, into the studio for direction, inspiration, accountability, motivation and success with your training program.

Susan Siebert, Personal Trainer 585.313.2771

Jameson Nicolazzo, Personal Trainer 585.478.6142



Arm Yourself This Fall and Winter!!